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Jesus, The Glory of God

This is our second of three sermons on the transfiguration of Jesus from Mark 9:1-9.
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Jesus and the End of the Temple
Jesus, the Greatest Commandment II
Jesus, the Greatest Commandment
Jesus and the Scriptures
Jesus and the City of God
The Glory of the King Part III
The Glory of the King Part II
The Glory of the King
Jesus and the Power of God
Jesus, God, and Government
Jesus: Rejected Son, Risen Savior
Jesus, Belief, and Understanding
Jesus, the True Temple
Jesus, the Just and Humble King
Jesus the Authoritative Servant
Jesus and the Baptismal Life
Jesus and God’s Good Gift of Marriage
Jesus’ Call to Blessedness
Jesus, the Heart of Unity
Jesus, the Greatest of All
Jesus, the Heart of Discipleship
Jesus, the Truth of God
Jesus, the Word of God
Jesus, The Glory of God
Jesus, The Way of God
Jesus Must Die; We Must Die
Jesus, the Sign of God-Part 3
Jesus, The Sign of God-Part 2
Jesus, The Sign of God (Part 1)
Jesus, Making a Desert Into the Garden of God
Yes, Lord
Jesus, the Heart’s True Desire
Jesus, the Heart of the Matter
Jesus, God’s Religious Agenda
Jesus, The Sovereign, Sanctifying Shepherd
Jesus, the Perfect Shepherd
Authority and Dependence
Incarnation and Authority
Jesus Summons and Sends
Jesus, The Divine Carpenter Clothed in Humanity
Our Jesus, Our Stories; Our Jesus, Our Peace
Jesus Calls Us To A Greater Faith
The Saving Grace of God in Jesus
Jesus, The Mystery of God’s Kingdom-Part 1
Jesus, the Head of a New Family
Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath–Part 2
Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
Jesus’ Desire to Forgive Sinners
Jesus’ Heavenly Authority to Forgive Sins
Jesus, The True Israel & Israel’s True King